A Quick and Easy Way To Capture Email Addresses

A Quick and Easy Way To Capture Email Addresses

A Quick and Easy Way To Capture Email AddressesPeople ask me all the time “what’s the best way to capture email addresses. I wanted to focus on one way in this post. I recently started using iCapture to make it easier for us to collect email addresses on our computer, iPhone, iPad, Android phones and tablets and Kindle Fire devices. The possibilities are endless!

With iCapture you can quickly and easily capture email addresses at trade shows, expos, your retail store or mall kiosks. Once you install the iCapture app and setup your account on your PC/Mac or mobile devices, you’re ready to start capturing email addresses for your newsletter or other mailing list. The process is really simple. I had iCapture installed on all my devices within a few minutes. Integration with the popular email programs like Constant Contact, Mail Chimp, Aweber and iContact is easy too. I’m using it for my Constant Contact account. With iCapture, I can easily ask for email addresses and add or have the person add their email address right on the spot. They sync automatically to my Constant Contact account so there’s no need to add them manually. So now when I’m at a networking event, sales meeting, consultation or event I can easily capture email addresses to add to my newsletter.

Here are a few other ideas for using iCapture with Constant Contact or your favorite email marketing app.

  • Setup a Google Chromebook at the front desk of your business and have it setup to the iCapture app. Then have your staff ask customers/clients to provide their email address to receive your newsletter filled with tips and special newsletter-only offers.
  • Use the iCapture app on your tablet/smart phone to collect email addresses at networking events, trade shows, seminars where you typically don’t have your PC with you. Lead capture can happen anywhere!
  • Use Contact Contact for your email marketing. It has all the features you need to present a professional image online.

If you need help or have any email marketing questions just let us know. We’re here to help. We are award-winning, fully-trained Constant Contact partners with a dedicated support team to help you with all of your email marketing questions. You can try Constant Contact for free with no risk or credit card required.

ICapture offers a free trial on their website or you can get “iCapture free for Constant Contact” from the Constant Contact marketplace.

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TK Internet Marketing

Established in 2003, TK Internet Marketing is a premier digital marketing agency specializing in cost-effective digital marketing solutions. Our dedicated team crafts customized Internet marketing strategies aimed at catalyzing business growth and boosting revenue for clients nationwide.

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