Is Your Website Mobile Friendly?


Is Your Website Mobile Friendly?

On April 21, Google will start taking mobile-friendliness into account as a ranking signal in Google searches. This means websites that are not mobile-friendly will see a severe negative impact on their search ranking and organic traffic, but sites that are mobile-friendly will likely see a boost! Here’s an article from the New York Times.


What exactly is a mobile-friendly website?

A mobile-friendly website is a dedicated site that is specifically designed to be viewed on a smartphone. It is separate from the desktop version. When a visitor finds your website in search or types in your URL, they will be redirected to the mobile version automatically due to a small bit of JavaScript that needs to be placed on your desktop website.

What is responsive web design?

A responsive website design is a website design that provides an optimal viewing experience-easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling-across a wide range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones).

My website is a responsive web design is this ok?

A responsive website design can be fine and can be mobile friendly but still not have some of the mobile features like click to call and map buttons that make it easy for your visitors to take action.

How can I know if my site is mobile-friendly?

Google has a simple tool you can use to determine whether or not your website fits their mobile SEO requirements. Simply go to Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test and enter your URL. They’ll let you know if there are any issues.

If there are any issues, contact us to convert your website to a mobile friendly design.

Here are a few things to avoid on your mobile design.

Auto-play video or audio
Annoying pop-ups
And custom code embeds that can’t be resized on mobile

This mobile Google update is a major one, and will change mobile search forever. It’s a great opportunity to improve your web presence and make the most of mobile search.
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TK Internet Marketing

Established in 2003, TK Internet Marketing is a premier digital marketing agency specializing in cost-effective digital marketing solutions. Our dedicated team crafts customized Internet marketing strategies aimed at catalyzing business growth and boosting revenue for clients nationwide.

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