Facebook Marketing Goals for Success


Facebook Marketing Goals

It is important for business owners to establish Facebook marketing goals to increase their Facebook marketing success. Many business owners set up a Facebook fan page, post some content, and then rarely add new content or update the page. This is usually because they have not set Facebook marketing goals. Just like any other business marketing task, you must establish clear marketing goals.

Facebook marketing goals should be specific, measurable, and attainable. They can be long term, short term, or a mix of both. They should also include deadlines and milestones. An example of a weak Facebook marketing goal is: I will increase my number of Facebook fans. This is a weak goal because there are no specific milestones to help keep you on track. An example of a good Facebook marketing goal is: I will gain 1,000 Facebook likes by Christmas. It’s specific, measurable and attainable. The following are a few possible Facebook marketing goals you can set for your business:

Drive Traffic to Website to Generate New Customers, Sales, Leads, or Brand Awareness

One of the most popular Facebook marketing goals is to drive your Facebook traffic to your website. The desired result is to convert these visitors into customers, prospects, brand-followers, or leads. There are a variety of ways to use Facebook to drive traffic to your website. For example, to get leads, you can use a free offer to drive people to a specific website page or a landing page. When they subscribe to your list, they receive the free offer and they become a valuable lead for your business. You can also post a photo of an item that’s on sale or that is new and link it to a product page on your website or an e-commerce store. To help with your content marketing, you can post brief tips from your blog on Facebook and link them to specific blog pages, so readers can get more information.

Create Brand Awareness

Another possible Facebook goal is to spread brand awareness and recognition. If you’re just starting out, there’s a good chance your brand might need a jumpstart. If people haven’t heard of you, a great way to increase recognition is to frequently create and share unique, helpful, relevant, or entertaining content to get your name, logo, and brand identity in front of as many people as possible. If this is your goal, avoid being salesy.

Expand Existing Fan Base

If you already have an audience, your goal might be to increase your number of fans. This can be done via several social marketing methods. Sharing original or curated viral content can help increase your Facebook audience. If you don’t have time to create your own viral content, you can use existing content that’s already proven to be viral. You can share this type of content and add your own comments or angle. Include images to add more interest.

Other ways to increase your fan base include contests, sweepstakes and gamification. If your offers/prizes are good incentives, people are more likely to share them. Make sure your methods do not violate Facebook’s terms of service.

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TK Internet Marketing

Established in 2003, TK Internet Marketing is a premier digital marketing agency specializing in cost-effective digital marketing solutions. Our dedicated team crafts customized Internet marketing strategies aimed at catalyzing business growth and boosting revenue for clients nationwide.

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